Woo We're Finally Open!

First and foremost I hope this note finds you all safe and healthy. I know you haven’t seen or heard much from me over the past few months and I’m sorry for that. I’ve had my head down, like a meerkat, getting ready to launch my new business. Now, I’m popping my head up because that moment is finally here and I’m so excited to share it with you! We’re opening the store to friends and family this week. This has been a wild year to say the least and if this pandemic has taught us anything, it’s the importance of self-care, not just for our physical health but our psychological well-being as well.

I started this journey in my kitchen in Connecticut well over five years ago and I was hooked from the start. When we moved to New Mexico two years ago, I started making soap and I knew that this is what I wanted to do with my life. I finished my B.F.A. at the Savannah College of Art and Design in March, just as the pandemic hit (Woo!!), but all I wanted to do was make lotion and soap. So for the past nine months I’ve been putting my heart and soul into getting this business up and running. It kind of was a blessing in disguise; a distraction from the crazy world around me. As Frank would say, “it was the return of Bubble Girl”. For those who don’t know, Bubble Girl is my super alter-ego, who tunes out all distractions and exists happily in her own world. My other super-power is sleeping. Don’t laugh, it is a legit super power. Just ask Frank who doesn’t sleep at all.

Anyone who knows me, knows that I’m always trying to push the bar higher. That there’s no such thing as failure, only lessons we haven’t learned yet. One of those lessons that I learned a while ago is that perfection is a myth and the pursuit of it is self-sabotaging. Recognizing when things are good enough is good enough. So, even though I don’t have all my formulas ready, I am launching with what I have. I’m still working on my Shaving Cream formulation and I have some exciting news on that front. I FINALLY, after nine frustrating months, figured out the issue with the grainy texture and am happy to report that the solution is really simple going forward. So look for that product around February to early March. If you’d like to be a tester, email me and I’ll send you a sample to try. I think it’s pretty phenomenal. And that’s what this is really all about. Experiences are nothing if we can’t share them with those we love. It’s the basis of human connection.

I truly love making these formulas and I hope you do too. A huge thank you to everyone who has helped me with feedback and user testing for the past few years. Your feedback has been incredibly valuable and has pushed me to innovate. I am always open to feedback, so keep sharing!

P.S. Use the code FamilyLove at checkout and get 20% off your first order with us! 

Love to you all,


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